Ep 91

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Rick and Morty Season 4 | Adult Swim | Trailer dropped 10.06.2019 | Premieres “Cancel your plans for November 10th at 11:30pm”

This spring, Ian & Barley's quest beginneth. Watch the new trailer for Disney and Pixar's Onward now. Set in a suburban fantasy world, Disney and Pixar's "Onward" introduces two teenage elf brothers who embark on an extraordinary quest to discover if there is still a little magic left out there.

Onward | Disney Pixar | Trailer dropped 10.10.2019 | Release “Cometh Soon”

This holiday season, discover the unlikely friendship that launched a legend. Watch Klaus on #Netflix November 15th, 2019. #KlausNetflix When Jesper (Jason Schwartzman) distinguishes himself as the postal academy's worst student, he is stationed on a frozen island above the Arctic Circle, where the feuding locals hardly exchange words let alone letters.

Klaus | Netflix | Trailer dropped 10.07.2019 | Streaming 11.15.2019